Privacy Policy

Welcome to Digit Spark (hereinafter referred to as the website). To ensure your confident use of the various services and information provided on this website, we would like to explain the privacy policy of the website to protect your rights. Please read the following details:



Scope of Privacy Policy

The content of the privacy policy includes how this website handles the personal identification information collected when you use the website services. The privacy policy does not apply to related linked websites outside of this website or to individuals not commissioned or involved in the management of this website.



Collection, Processing, and Use of Personal Data

  •  When you visit or use the functional services provided by this website, we will request necessary personal information based on the nature of the service. Your personal data will be processed and used within the specific scope of the intended purpose, and without your written consent, it will not be used for other purposes.
  • – When using interactive features such as service mailboxes and surveys, the website will retain the provided information such as your name, email address, contact information, and usage time.
  • – During general browsing, the server will record relevant actions, including the IP address of your connection device, usage time, browser used, and browsing and click data. This record is for internal use and will not be disclosed externally.
  • – To provide accurate services, we will statistically analyze the collected survey content. Statistical data or explanatory text resulting from the analysis may be published as needed, but it will not involve specific individual data.


Data Protection

The website’s servers are equipped with firewalls, antivirus systems, and other relevant information security devices, implementing strict protection measures to safeguard the website and your personal data. Only authorized personnel can access your personal information, and relevant personnel are bound by confidentiality agreements. Violation of confidentiality obligations may result in legal consequences.


– If it is necessary to entrust other units to provide services due to business needs, the website will strictly require them to adhere to confidentiality obligations and will conduct necessary inspection procedures to ensure compliance.



 Related Links to Other Websites

The web pages of this website provide internet links to other websites. You can also enter other websites by clicking on the links provided by this website. However, the privacy protection policy of this website does not apply to linked websites. Please refer to the privacy protection policy of the linked website.



Policy on Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties

This website will never provide, exchange, rent, or sell any of your personal data to individuals, groups, private enterprises, or government agencies, except when there is legal basis or contractual obligations.


Exceptions to the above include but are not limited to:

  • – With your written consent.
  • – As required by law.
  • – To prevent danger to your life, body, freedom, or property.
  • – Cooperating with government agencies or academic research institutions for statistical or academic research based on public interest, 
  • when it is necessary, and the data is processed or disclosed in a way that the provider or collector cannot identify specific individuals.
  • – When your behavior on the website violates the terms of service or may damage or hinder the rights and interests of the website and other users or cause harm to any person, and disclosure of your personal data is necessary for identification, contact, or legal action.


Use of Cookies

To provide you with the best service, this website will place and access our cookies on your computer. If you do not wish to accept cookie writing, you can set the privacy level to high in your browser’s settings, which will reject cookie writing but may result in some website functions not working correctly.



Revision of Privacy Policy

This website’s privacy policy will be revised at any time based on demand. The revised terms will be published on the website.



Google API Services User Data Policy


NxVet 使用和傳輸來自 Google APIs 收到的資訊,

不論是傳輸到任何其他的應用程式皆遵守Google API Services User Data Policy  ,包括限制性使用的要求。



NxVet use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.